FAQs for Kinship Foster Care
FAQs for Kinship Foster Care - Kids First, Inc - Fort Worth, TX
Kinship foster care is an increasingly common way of meeting the needs of foster children. By placing children with members of their own family, outcomes can be improved. In this article, we'll answer some of the common questions we hear about kinship foster care.
Kinship Foster Care Questions
Q: How beneficial is it to become a kinship foster family?
A: If you are approved as a kinship foster family, each foster child in your care will be eligible for monthly financial reimbursements and health care assistance. You will also experience the joy of providing a secure, nurturing environment for the children in your care to grow up in.
Q: What is the monthly financial compensation?
A: Depending on the requirements of the child or children in your care, financial compensation as well as medical and dental coverage will vary. Foster families will typically receive $675 per month for each child.
Q: What does PCA (permanency care assistance) mean?
A: A benefit is available to you if you consent to accept long-term custody of the child or children in your care. As long as the child is in your care, the PCA program offers monthly financial assistance for each child in your care up to $545 per child, up until the child turns 18 years old. Additionally, you might be eligible for a reimbursement of up to $2,000 for expenses (like legal fees) related to getting ready to take custody of the child or children permanently. The child or children will also be eligible for the following:
Healthcare advantages
If the child is 16 years old when the PCA agreement is signed, the benefits are extended until age 21.
Waiver of college tuition
Voucher for education and training
Q: What is the duration of the procedure?
A: With Kids First, the procedure to become a foster or adoptive parent typically takes three to six months and entails the following five steps:
Take part in an orientation session for information
Submit a full application and all necessary paperwork.
Finish the necessary trauma-informed training course.
Take part in a home study
Obtain authorization to become a verified foster or approved adoptive home.
Q: How does a home study work?
A: To determine whether foster care or adoption will fit their family's lifestyle, a home study is a collaborative effort with the family. A staff member will evaluate the home environment during the home study and write a summary of the family's strengths, skills, behavior, attitudes, stamina, ability to work as a professional team member, and any other qualities thought to be assets to the family's ability to be a successful parent partner with Kids First. In the case of families specifically interested in providing foster care, the staff member will collaborate with the family to identify the needs level and age group of the kids for whom they are most suited to foster.
I am Interested in Becoming A Kinship Foster Parent. What Next?
The first step to becoming a foster and adoptive parent with Kids First is to participate in an informational orientation. Informational orientations are available online.Kids First offers support for children and families across Greater Dallas and Fort Worth. For more information about our foster care and adoption program, including kinship foster care, contact us today. If you have specific questions about foster care or would like to speak with one of our staff members, please call 682-200-1888.