Summer is a Great Time to Foster Parent
If you’re considering becoming a foster parent, there’s no better time than the summer to do it. Making the decision to become a foster family is not one to be taken lightly, and it comes with both tremendous joys and added responsibilities. Summer is one of the ideal seasons for foster care for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is that school is out.As you and your family explore becoming foster parents, learn why our foster care agency, Kids First, considers the summer a great starting point.
1. School is out.
Summer is a Great Time to Foster Parent - Kids First, Inc. - Fort Worth, TX
It is feasible to initiate foster care throughout the school year, but it can be significantly more difficult. Your foster child will have to adjust not only to a new home, but also to a new school, new teachers, as well as a new routine in general.However, you have two months of free time during the summer to get to know your foster child, set healthy routines, build strong relationships, and generally adapt to living together. This is one of life’s most gratifying experiences, but it takes time. The best season for this is summer when children aren’t in school.
2. There’s more sunshine
Although this may appear to be an arbitrary factor, summertime is significantly better for endorphins, exercise, and activities. In a nutshell, it’s a season when we naturally emerge from hibernation and seek companionship. Besides which sunlight stimulates Vitamin D production which in turn promotes mood balance.When there is a wealth of vacation activities going on, such as going to the pool, riding to a park, organizing playdates, listening to live music, etc., it can be much easier to integrate a foster child into the family.
3. Summertime enrichment opportunities
There are more enrichment possibilities in the summer, just as there are more outside activities. Summertime is jam-packed with enrichment activities for your child, whether it’s a local summer camp at the community center, a hands-on tour of a local scientific museum, or a sports league.
4. Holiday trips and weekends
Summertime brings plenty of opportunities to join together and celebrate, from July 4th celebrations through Labor Day parades. It is so important for foster children to integrate into family activities and bond, and there is no better time than the holiday weekends to do it.
Foster Care in Texas
If you and your family are ready for the unique opportunity of foster care, Kids First is here to help. We offer a variety of social services aimed at matching children in need with caring, supportive families. We provide a wide range of social services, from family-based foster care and emergency placement to adoption assistance.Our aim at Kids First is to provide an exceptional standard of care as well as culturally competent services. At the same time communicating compassion, empathy, and hope for the future. Contact our team right away to get started.