Who Are the Children in Foster Care?
There is a general mistaken idea out there that, without exception, all children in foster care in Dallas or Fort Worth, TX and around the country come from needy, abusive homes. This is very far from the truth. While a lot of the children who live in foster care are from needy or abusive situations, that is not the case with all of them. Many come from families with a lot of income. Others have never been neglected nor abused, but have lost their parents. They are simply waiting for a family to adopt them.
Children in Foster Care Differ
Who Are the Kids in Foster Care? - Kids First, Inc. - Dallas and Fort Worth, TX
The children living in foster care do not only come from differing economic circumstances, they differ in every other way. The come from a whole array of cultural and racial backgrounds. Their ages range from newborn all the way to a few months shy of eighteen. The fact that something happened causing them to be placed in foster care is the only thing they have in common. Foster care placement is sometimes simply a matter of the poor choices made by their parents. These children are only temporarily in care while their parents make life changes. Their parents must change the way they live and make a safer environment for their children. Other children have either lost their parents or have been permanently taken away from their parents because of extensive abuse or neglect. A longer period of fostering is needed for these children while they wait to be adopted.
They Are Not Bad Kids
Foster kids are not bad kids. Like every other kid, they are normal children who simply need to be taken care of. It is traumatic for many of these children to be taken away from their parents, but this doesn’t mean they are bad kids. They are just kids going through a difficult time who need a little extra love, attention, and reassurance. If you would like more information on the Dallas and Fort Worth, TX children in foster care, or you want to find out how you can help them, then contact us today at Kids First. Your help will make a difference, no matter where they came from.